Place Corps Friday Digest: Discipline
Cohort '19 Post Movement Exploration with Sandrine
Did you know 2020 is a leap year? An extra day tucked into the upcoming week. There are 20 something days until the first official day of spring and soon we will be springing forward our clocks. Which is all to say we've got time on our minds: time moving and making time. Practicum will soon be in full swing and graduation is approaching. How are we making time, showing up, and committing to these next few months?
This spring, everyone is responsible for scheduling their unplanned time and creating systems that set their Practicum Projects up for success. We've done the work to envision and draft them up; now's the time to lean into making real, physical moves towards the goals of this keystone project.
This past week looked much like the week to come. We continue our co-governance facilitated by fellow Martha Snow and communications class led by Maya Greene. The tiny house design projects are coming along with Paul Rix. Soon we will be welcoming back Rachel and Steffen for regenerative agriculture.
Our word for the week is discipline. Discipline comes from the same root as disciple. To make time, show up, and commit takes discipline. Who or what are your inspirations to show up and follow through? Can you give shape to your reasons and philosophy?
“Without using the new word...try to rephrase what you have just learned in your own language....
Without using the word, tell me what you know...”
― Richard Feynman