Place Corps Friday Digest: Devotion
Reminders of Plant Magic and Winter Loveliness with a scene from our Take Care Workshop with Wild Gather
This week, we noticed it stayed light out until 5pm; about two and a half minutes of daylight are added each day. We have passed the midpoint between the solstice and the equinox. As the ground is growing soft and the days are getting longer, let us celebrate the good work that has been put forth to help our arrival at the keystone projects of Place Corps, the Practicum.
Practicum proposal drafts have been submitted. Work study has begun and the first Tiny House design and build class with Paul completed. Place Corps is in its final term for the year and has built into the schedule un-programmed time for residents to self direct their Practicum Projects and manage work-study. In communications class with Maya Greene we discussed the importance of focused attention towards a project but also the need to create bite-size pieces over time so as not to overwhelm the system. People have different rhythms for working and we want to honor that but we want to help make sure people manage their work load.
Our word for this week is DEVOTION. What comes to mind when you think of devotion? How are the ways we express devotion? When we consider what love and service mean at Place Corps, we think about devotion. We are stepping into Practicum and with that, a call for devotion to this keystone project and to moving through these final months at Place Corps with full participation: openness, integrity, and courage.
“Love loves to love love.”
― James Joyce