Place Corps Friday Digest: Thaw
Dawn Breeze at the first seminar of Place Corps with Matthew Schlein of the The Walden Project--remembering warmer days and loving up this place.
We are headed into March. A month that is often colder and more blustery than we want to imagine. We yearn for spring flowers and soft earth. We are looking forward to next week when we return to our Regenerative Agriculture workshop with Rachel and Steffen Snyder and we begin starting our spring seeds.
Thinking about last week's word: discipline with an etymological root in disciple, we wonder which plants will we have the discipline to care for and which ones are our teachers and healers this season? Hmmm...thinking Yarrow right now.
Interestingly, March was the first month of the Roman calendar as it was the early farmers first working month. Yarrow was also famously used on Roman battlefields and has long been thought of as a soldier’s herb as it helped to clear infections in wounds and stop bleeding. It is also used to regulate blood flow and is used for helping alleviate menstrual cramping. It's also such a beauty!
Our word for this week is 'Thaw'. We are thinking about how the ground needs to be warmed to soften in order for seeds to be sewn. What in us needs to melt too so that we can open to new growth?