2/3-2/7 Week in Review

Hello Friends,

Word of the week: Connect

As we launch into the first week of February, we focused on the concept of connection. We are all connected through our likes, dislikes, passions, and interests. With the Place Story presentations just around the corner on February 20th at the Reher Center, this theme of connection has been central to how our fellows are defining their "place." What is the connection, and how is it all tied together? Save the date to hear the engaging places our fellows have chosen.

The week kicked off with a full-group meal prep session. Our fellows connected through their kitchen spatial awareness, tackling a variety of meals together. Now in our sixth month, the group has established such a smooth flow that it’s truly inspiring to watch. The menu was as impressive as always, with dishes like shredded chicken burrito bowls, ravioli casserole, and mini meatloaves with mashed potatoes. After cooking, we gathered to reflect on our experiences. Some fellows shared how making the mushroom gravy and meatloaf brought them back to childhood memories, creating a deep sense of connection.


In the afternoon, Nina from Sky High Farms visited for our home economics session. As spring approaches, we’re excited to begin work at the Rondout Community Gardens. We discussed what vegetables and flowers we’d like to grow for the community. A significant conversation emerged around vandalism in the garden. As the topic of growing watermelon came up, it was shared that last year’s watermelon crop was vandalized by some boys who threw them on the ground. The group discussed how educating these young people and involving them in the process could lead to a more positive outcome and ensure the garden is cared for.

Our Arts with Aurora session involved reflecting on our dried prints from the monotype workshop. Fellows shared their favorite prints and the creative mindset behind them, engaging in a thoughtful discussion. We then transitioned into creating our own designs, with fellows working on overlapping patterns that they will later screen print.

At the Hudson River Maritime Museum, the fellows made strides in building the boat. Some worked on planing and shaping the wood, while others used the bandsaw to cut out the rudder. The group also focused on scaling up the rudder and centerboard according to the plans. It was as busy as can be in the woodshop.


On Thursday, we had a snow day, much like all the other schools in the area. We hope you stayed cozy and found time to connect in your own way.

As we move forward, we encourage you to take some time this week to connect—with yourself, others, or nature.

Have a good weekend,

Place Corps Team 


Place Corps