Place Corps Friday Digest: Imperfect
Scenes from Make Thrift Mend Seminar with Katrina Rodabaugh
As the first snow sits on the ground, we are preparing to bundle up in front of the wood stove and drink big mason jars of lemon ginger tea.
This past week, we dove into discussion on the food economy in Regenerative Ag, began designing planting beds and considered invisible and cognitive labor in Interpersonal Communications.
Also this week, we sat down for a seminar with Katrina Rodabaugh, artist and creator of Make, Thrift, Mend
to learn about slow fashion, and the way that an initial year-long experiment turned into a multi-year lifestyle shift and continued learning opportunity.
Next week, we are looking forward to continuing discussions and analysis of our zero-waste experiment. We wonder what are the stories that are made visible in our four months of accumulated "waste". What can our "waste" habits and patterns show us? Where are we willing and wanting to change our "waste"?
Our word for this week is IMPERFECT. We are questioning when perfection or purity is the enemy of good. How can we live in ways that strive for best while also honoring the truth of never being finished and always in a process of iteration? Nature teaches us that perfection is held within the word imperfect. Nature shows us there are no straight lines unless there's a break.
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without."
― Confucius