Health and Well-Being

Health has many facets. Our minds, bodies, and communities have deep
connections to one another, and when one is thriving or struggling, it
affects the others. One example of this interconnection is sleep: good
sleep contributes to both physical and mental health, and when we are
fit and feeling well in our minds and bodies, we are much better
prepared to be warm, supportive and engaged members of our families,
friend-groups, workplaces, and communities.
Although the idea of being healthy can seem daunting, it is actually
very mundane: this means that it is really about creating simple,
sustainable and healthy habits and routines in your daily life.

What is Health and Well-Being?

Health and well-being are the conditions of your life which include your body, your mind, your relationships, and your community which determine your total wellness. The following are the core elements of personal health and well-being:


Physical Health

Physical health is the health of your body, and it involves what you eat, how much you sleep, your physical activity, and more.It is important to realize, however, that many habits which contribute to your physical health also contribute to your mental health. Eating healthy, sleeping well, and exercising are just as essential to mental well-being as to physical well-being.

Sometimes when we are not feeling well physically, there can be an emotional cause, meaning that the physical ailment, such as lethargy, a headache, or frequently getting sick, can be rooted in our mental health. Likewise, our mental condition can have roots in our physical health, for example we may find ourselves feeling disinterested and depressed, which could be a result of a poor diet or inadequate sleep.