Place Corps Friday Digest: Balance
It's Friday!
More so, it's officially Spring! The equinox has passed and with the end of March near, soon the first quarter of the year will close. COVID-19 has accelerated and decelerated time scapes on a large and wide scale. The Place Corps Radical Care Protocol has been extended to the end of term and our calendar has shifted so the program will complete May 8th. Even as we are being asked to modify so much of what we know and what is comfortable, this is the time we must rise to the challenge of actively being grateful. What are we thankful for? Today, we are looking up to the sky and down to the flowers.
This past week, we welcomed Danielle Joffe for a virtual workshop sharing knowledge about duality, balance, and the difference between goals and intentions. Next week, we are looking forward to Dawn sharing an exercise in Mapping Purpose. Seedlings are growing in the greenhouse and plans are underway for the garden fence. In a few weeks time, Sophia and Alessia will be leading a roundtable conversation. We are being called to change and we are putting into practice all our learnings from this year of Place Corps. We hold so much appreciation for our educators and their ability to adapt curriculum to meet the changing challenges. We hold tender appreciation for our residents and their participation, willingness, and openness.
Our word for week is BALANCE. This is a time of polarity with acceleration of Covid-19 and deceleration of the economy; of experiences of systems breaking down while we simultaneously witness the sky healing. We are aware of the virus blocking us from breathing while it's also showing us ways to breathe clearer and cleaner air. How are our heads, hands, and hearts being re-balanced now?
“ Healing does not mean going back to the way things were before,
but allowing what is now to move us [forward]"
― Ram Dass