Welcoming Fall
Fall 2020 Design Interns! From left to right: Jessica, Ava, Briana, and Priya [Not pictured: Aleshanee] outside of Tilda's Kitchen in Kingston, NY. A Hudson Valley Current project and delicious host to our weekly design meetings
Hello friends,
Autumn has officially arrived and that beautiful Harvest Moon has passed. We are enjoying the beauty of autumn in the Hudson Valley with rivers of reds and oranges from changing leaves and baskets of bountiful apples. Yummy! We have been thinking of our 2020 cohort and remembering this special time last year and the beginning of pie making with talented resident Sophia Hampton! We miss her and her amazing cooking skills that she so generously shared!
As the seasons change, the Place Corps team continues to prepare for the Regenerative Design Fellowship beginning in January at Hawthorne Valley. The Fellowship’s application is open on a rolling basis. The 2021 cohort is shaping up to be an exciting group of change-makers and we still have space for a few more fellows to join the journey. For more information about the fellowship and to apply now, click here.
Also, it is our pleasure to announce our Fall 2020 Design Interns! We are SO thrilled to be working with this wonderful group of high school and college students who have demonstrated leadership in environmental and civic engagement in their places and all have a deep interest in practical skills for radical living. Please welcome Jessica, Ava, Briana, Priya, and Aleshanee. There is so much great work to come!
With that, we welcome October and all the unknowns and challenges that continue to unfold. We are staying vigilant in working to be the change we want to see in the world and that we celebrate the beauty of this world with gratitude for nature that keeps on sharing her splendor with rising moons, falling leaves, crisp apples, and all of you.
Dawn Breeze
"Instructions for living a life:
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it."
-Mary Oliver