Place Corps Friday Digest: Return
🎶 I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes 🎶[Celebrating our new sign!]
Happy, happy new year friends! Welcome back to our little place in the world. We are so looking forward to hearing about your adventures during our intercession and the stories unearthed for the Place Story Projects.
This past week, we eased into 2020 with a ritualized return with Dawn, a Three Kings Walk with Steffen, and an herbal hometeam workshop with the wonderful Lauren and Mandana of Wild Gather.
Next week, we'll be welcoming a friend from our early beginnings together to campus! Abrah will be leading the Regenerate Change workshop on Monday in which you will be exploring the Practicum and how you can move forward from Place Corps integrating, synthesizing, and applying knowledge and skills acquired during this year to a real world issue. Then, we celebrate your Place Stories with a public presentation at the GWI Greenhouse in Kingston on Friday!
Our word for this week is return. A return around the sun, a return to and from somewhere and elsewhere, a return to campus and the deep dive we are encouraging this year at Place Corps. We hope you were tender with yourself in this first week of re-turnings. Here's to a year of becomings.
"And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been."
― Rainer Maria Rilke