Insurance Through Employers

This is the most common form of insurance: many employers provide insurance plans for full-time and salaried employees. Employer provided insurance is private health insurance. These plans can vary in quality and affordability, and employees and employers are finding insurance to be increasingly unaffordable.

  • If your employer’s insurance plan is not considered affordable according to federal standards, then you will still be eligible for insurance and healthcare subsidies through the insurance marketplace and federal government.

  • 49% of Americans, and 70% of workers, receive insurance coverage through their employers, and it is a major consideration for employees when choosing an employer.

COBRA Coverage: This is a federal form of insurance coverage for those who receive insurance through their employer but for a variety of reasons are no longer employed which requires your employer based

insurance to continue to cover you for a certain period of time after then end of your employment, in order to give you time to seek other forms of insurance without going uncovered.