This is a guide to all things related to housing, here you will find guidance on what it takes to find housing, what you need to plan for, prepare, and gather, the many words, terms and jargon you will need to know, strategies for finding affordable housing, and more.
This is a pdf version of the Place Corps How-To Housing guide for printing.
Housing is a right not a privilege. Having secure, affordable housing is essential to quality of life. However, the United States is currently in a housing crisis, meaning that there is a shortage of secure, affordable, quality housing.
General consensus states that housing should account for 30% of monthly household expenses.The United States government sets their standard for housing affordability at 40%, in order to limit the amount of federal assistance the government must provide to housing challenged citizens.
The majority of Americans spend significantly more than 30% of their monthly income on housing.
The housing market is very challenging and this guide will help you find your way through it in the best, most affordable way possible.